The cost of food can accumulate very fast when traveling, on top of transportation and lodging expenses. According to Bankrate, travelers surprisingly prioritize food and entertainment last when it comes to vacation costs. Of course, eating is necessary, so it cannot be completely avoided as an expense. Yet, there are numerous methods to reduce expenses while traveling to any destination worldwide.

Before departing, consider making a rough estimate of your food expenses depending on the prices of your destination. When deciding on your budget, remember that urban areas will cost more than countryside destinations. It is acceptable to exceed or fall short of your budget on specific days of your trip if your financial situation permits, and the days where you spend less can help offset this. 

Remember that for some people, using a budget spreadsheet can give them peace of mind when they travel, while others prefer to simply set a daily spending limit. No matter how you approach budgeting, here are simple methods to reduce expenses on travel meals.

Carry a Reusable Water Bottle

When you travel, you can save money by not purchasing water for yourself if you bring a reusable water bottle. Throwaway water bottles are terrible for the environment and often overpriced, especially in tourist-heavy locations. You can save a significant amount in the future by not having to spend money every time you need a drink.

Keeping the bottle with you ensures you remain hydrated all day long. Remaining properly hydrated can assist you in distinguishing if you are genuinely hungry or simply in need of water. It is very typical for individuals to struggle with differentiating between signals of hunger and thirst due to their strong connection within the body. Before you fill your bottle, double-check if the tap water abroad is safe for consumption.

Staying hydrated is crucial not only for keeping your body happy but also for helping your body recognize hunger cues more effectively by avoiding dehydration. Traveling, whether by plane or exploring outdoors, can lead to rapid dehydration. To ensure you stay hydrated, include foods with high water content in your meals to help keep you hydrated while you’re busy. Cucumbers, grapes, zucchini, and broccoli are among the favorite foods that people commonly turn to.

Don’t Eat Out for Every Meal

It may be tempting to indulge in eating out for all meals (including snacks) while traveling, but those expenses accumulate rapidly. Changing your eating routines can lead to significant savings. This implies not missing any meals, but rather making your meals and maybe eating out only once daily. If you choose to dine out once a day, lunch is the ideal meal to indulge in.

Most restaurants even in Los Angeles provide discounted lunch specials with items from the dinner menu. You can enjoy a fantastic lunch for a fraction of the price you would spend on dinner. Additionally, if you are fortunate, the meal may be large enough to divide into a dinner serving too!

Covering the cost of food out of pocket doesn’t seem like a burden while you are doing it. Spending small amounts in different places won’t seem like you are going over budget. However, these costs can add up. Cutting your dining out trips in half could help you save a significant amount of money!

Make Your Meals

Make Your Meals

Don’t be afraid of not having a kitchen while traveling, it’s still easy to make some of your meals. Plan a visit to the grocery store at the beginning of your trip to purchase basic ingredients and food items. Utilize local ingredients for more affordable options and experiment with local recipes while traveling to avoid feeling like you’re only missing out on restaurant dining.

Creating your meals not only saves money but is also beneficial for your overall health. Being able to choose the ingredients in your meals makes it simpler to follow specific diets or cater to picky eaters, especially if you have young children with you. Preparing your meals or purchasing quick meals from the store will only cost a small percentage compared to constantly dining out in a new location.

When you visit the nearby market, observe what others are choosing if you need suggestions. Have fun exploring traditional dishes and experimenting with unfamiliar ingredients. You might even leave with a new dish to try or a preferred treat. 

Don’t Ignore the Food Carts

Food stalls or carts may have a negative reputation, but they have been serving hungry people for a long time. Eating from a nearby vendor while on the go offers a more affordable dining option compared to restaurants. Or to prevent feeling hungry before mealtime by having a small snack to satisfy you. To determine if a vendor is trustworthy, just check how busy it is – usually, the busier, the more reliable. You can always inquire with your hotel or hosts for suggestions on the best food carts to visit.

Food stands are an excellent method to save money while enjoying delicious meals. Dining at food stalls, which are distinct from food vendors with more fixed setups, usually costs less than one dollar and provides an excellent opportunity to try out local dishes. You could consume up to six stands worth of food and still spend less than if you were to dine at a restaurant for similar items.

Bring Snacks With You

Avoiding the temptation of buying mid-day roadside falafel by having snacks on hand is a simple way to cut costs. Traveling frequently involves spending long days filled with adventures and extended periods without eating. As a result, having a snack readily available will prevent you from making unwise financial choices due to hunger. 

The top snacks for traveling are those made with whole food ingredients, whole grains, and minimal sugar or salt. Vegetables, high-protein snacks, fruits, nuts, and trail mixes are recommended choices for people on the go. Make sure that the snacks you bring from home are suitable for customs when flying to a different country. This implies not bringing fruits and vegetables, but instead only bringing prepackaged items that won’t be taken away.

Barsha Bhattacharya

Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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