Want to know what are the best things to do in Ravenna? Well, we are here to help you with that query. This article is all about Ravenna and how to plan the next trip. In the series, we have already covered some of the major aspects of the city. So this article will look at some of the best places to visit and things to do from a history buff’s perspective. So, let us dive right in. 

Ravenna: An Italian Paradise

Ravenna_ An Italian Paradise

As we have already stated in our Ravenna series, Italy is one of the most beautiful spots you could visit in Europe. And in Italy, Ravenna is the most aesthetically pleasing and serene place that you could ever visit. The city of Ravenna is famous for some of the finest mosaics, wineries, and five-star hotels that you can imagine. Therefore, if you are looking for a great place to hit this vacation, I suggest that you go for Ravenna. A perfect tropical paradise nestled into the bosom of Italy. So, let us look at the best things to do in Ravenna, but before that, let us look at some more points that will aid you in making the plan. 

When To Visit

So, if you are an avid traveler who enjoys getting lost from time to time in different cities, countries, villages, etc., then Ravenna is the perfect place to do so. Personally, I believe that the weather in Ravenna is similar to that of Tuscany. And we already know how the Tuscan sun shines on its travelers. The summers are warm, springs are pleasant, autumns are cool, and finally, cold-damp winters. Therefore, with Ravenna, there are a lot of variations in climate that you will get as you travel the countryside of Ravenna. I personally will suggest that you visit Ravenna at the very fag end of the Summer season, which usually lasts from April to October. But be ready to bring an umbrella to the party. 

Where To Stay

When you are visiting a place, one of the biggest concerns you will have as a traveler is where to stay. And we got you. For a more detailed review of some of the best places to stay, look at our articles, where we talked about some of the best hotels in Ravenna. Still, in order to help you out a little, I have compiled a small list of my personal favorites that i believe will help you live the Tuscan life the best. 

Hotel Piazzo Bezzi: Via di Roma, 45, 48121 Ravenna RA, Italy

Appartamento Corte Callegari: Viale Francesco Baracca 85, 48121 Ravenna, Italy

Santa Maria Foris: Via Giuseppe Pasolini, 61, 48121 Ravenna RA, Italy

Best Things To Do In Ravenna

You know the city, you know the weather and where to live. What is missing from your itinerary is the ‘best things to do in Ravenna.’ And we can help you with that. In our previous edition, you have already read our reviews of some of the finest wineries you can visit. So, this section will primarily look at some of the best activities or places you can visit that will make your trip to this Tuscan landscape.  

Bascilica Di San Vitale

Bascilica Di San Vitale

How can we start our list without mentioning the prominent UNESCO World Heritage Site? Travelers unanimously accredit this to be one of the most popular attractions that you can find in Ravenna. This sixth-century domed octagonal church might look unimpressive from the outside. But once you step inside, you will see why visiting Ravenna was worth it. The church is said to have one of the most sophisticated mosaic designs of all time. Every nook and cranny of the church is adorned with a beautiful mosaic design that took ages to complete. Moreover, if you are a singer, this church has some of the finest acoustics of all such monuments. 

Mauseleo di Galla Placida

Mauseleo di Galla Placida

Legend has it the Mausoleo di Galla Placida was dedicated to the daughter of the Roman emperor Theodosius I and was a trusty companion of emperor Valentinian III. Galla Placida was so important that at one point in time, she was claimed to be the regent of the Western Roman Empire. Even though the mausoleum was constructed approximately 1500 years ago, the time seemed to have not touched it at all. The immaculate design, along with some of the finest mosaic work, has kept this architectural marvel fresh as it was erected just yesterday. 

Fine Dining In Ravenna

Fine Dining In Ravenna

So, apart from being the cultural hub for Europe, Ravenna is also famous for its fine dining. Not many people know this, but the popular Italian street food called the piadina is from the streets of Ravenna. If you have visited Italy before, you will know that piadini as a dish is most widely available across Italy. But if you have piadini of Ravenna, you will know why the dish is so popular amongst the tourist population. If you are somebody who experiences new places through food like me, I suggest that you give the  Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese combination. It is the best way to experience the native cuisine of Ravenna.

Dante Tomb & Museum

Dante Tomb & Museum

This is something that all the literature heads will love. Located on the Via Dante Alighieri, the tomb of Dante is the final resting place of the famed Italian literary figure Dante Alighieri. It is believed that this is where the funeral of Alighieri was held. Although native to Florence, Alighieri chose Ravenna as his final resting place. And if the tomb is a little too morbid for your young ones, then the Dante Museum, located just near the tomb, will be the perfect place. There, you and your family can learn more about the time and lifestyle that the poet led. This will be a deep dive into history and culture that not many other places on this planet provide.

End Note

So, with that, we have reached the very end of our Best Things To Do In Ravenna list. However, the things that are listed here are some of my personal favorite places to go and things to do in Ravenna. If you want, you can bring something more to the conversation. Till then, use this list as a starting point to forge your own experiences.


samik ghoshal

Samik has been a literature student all along and uses his fluidity to write about multi-niche topics. Aspiring to be a professional writer, he tries to analyze his topic from a critical standpoint but still adds a hint of personal perspective to the end product. Being a person having a general inclination toward global politics and documentary filmmaking, he also wishes to write and document more about numerous conflicts that are brewing in the different corners of the globe.

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