Travelling with dog can be an exhilarating adventure, but it requires a lot of work on planning. At the same time, one can not compromise with safety. 

Whether you’re embarking on a journey by road or by air or looking for a short refreshment outing, you have to work to take care of your dog’s comfort and, most importantly, safety. 

Here, we discuss some of the key safety tips and emergency preparedness to ensure a smooth and secure journey with your furry friend.

Safety Tips For Travelling With Dog

Travelling with dog

You may understand that there is a huge difference between travelling alone or with family to a new destination and travelling with your furry friend. You have to be careful with not one but many aspects of the entire journey. It might be overwhelming. However, you can use the following tips to make your travel with your dog memorable. 

1. Pre-Travel Veterinary Checkup While Travelling With Dog

Before you set out on a new journey, you must take your dog to a veterinarian. A comprehensive checkup with your dog will ensure that your dog’s health is in good condition. Moreover, the checkup determines the dog’s readiness for travel. You can discuss some of the health risks of your dog at your destination.

 You can also ensure your dog is updated on the vaccinations and some other preventive treatments for ticks, fleas, and heartworms. Ask for a copy of your dog’s medical records and keep them accessible during your travels.

2. Proper Identification

Ensure the identification of your dog in case you get detached from your dog. This includes a sturdy collar with identification of your current contact information. 

You can also think of attaching a secondary tag containing your destination address along with your phone number. 

Microchipping your dog can be a good option. You need to provide a permanent form of identification that veterinarians and shelters can scan at any time while travelling with dog.

3. Travel Crates And Carriers

Travel Crates And Carriers

A travel crate or carrier furnishing provides the utmost comfort and safety to your furry friend while travelling. The crate needs to be well-ventilated. 

Moreover, there must be enough space for your dog to stand, turn around, and lie down. Also, see that the crate is fastened securely in your vehicle. 

If you have larger dogs, you can ensure their safety by using a harness that attaches to the car’s seatbelt system. Never allow your dog to loiter here and there freely in your vehicle, as this can put both your dog and the driver at risk.

4. Hydration And Nutrition

One essential is keeping your dog hydrated, especially when travelling with  dog on a long trip or in hot weather. Also, carry with you a portable water bowl and plenty of fresh water. Provide enough water to your furry friend.   

Chalk out a daily feeding schedule and maintain it properly as much as possible. Finally, you must pack adequate food items to last the entire trip. The sudden changes in your diet can trigger issues with digestion. Hence, be careful. 

5. Frequent Breaks

For road trips, plan frequent breaks and allow your dog to stretch, relieve themselves, and finally, burn off some form of energy. 

You must aim for a break every two to three hours. It’s better to use a leash when taking your dog out of your vehicle, even if you think the area is safe and secure.  Unfamiliar areas and rest stops can be overwhelming, and they can put your dog in complete surprise. 

6. Climate Control

Monitor the temperature inside your car while travelling with your dog. Never leave your dog alone in a parked car, as temperatures can soar quickly and become life-threatening. 

Keep the air conditioning of your vehicle proper, and use sunsheds if it’s hot outside. If you’re travelling in cold weather, keep a warm blanket for your furry friend. Avoid leaving them in the vehicle for an extended period of time.

7. Emergency Kit

Emergency Kit

Prepare a pet-specific emergency kit that includes:

  • A first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic wipes, and tweezers.
  • Any medications your dog takes regularly.
  • A digital thermometer.
  • Copies of medical records and vaccination certificates.
  • A list of emergency contacts, including your veterinarian and a nearby animal hospital at your destination.

8. Pet-Friendly Accommodations

Research pet-friendly accommodations in advance and make the required reservations wherever it is needed. 

Look for vacation rentals, hotels, and motels that have the facilities to welcome dogs. Precisely, the hotel must have amenities like pet beds, even pet-sitting services and designated pet living areas. 

Always adhere to the accommodation’s pet policies and make sure that your dog behaves properly to evade any circumstances.

9. Air Travel Tips

Check the airline’s pet travel policies well in advance when travelling with a dog. Some airlines approve carriers that allow small-sized dogs to travel in the cabin, while you may need cargo hold for carrying larger dogs. 

Acclimate your dog to these carriers prior to the trip, letting it spend time in them at home. Also, attach a travel label with contact information and destination details to the carrier.

10. Safety For Different Dog Sizes

Safety For Different Dog Sizes

Small Dogs: Small dogs are often easier to transport due to their size. Use a secure carrier and ensure it fits under the seat if travelling by plane.

 Small dogs like Jack Russells can also be more susceptible to cold temperatures, so pack a sweater or blanket if you’re traveling to a colder climate.

Medium Dogs: Medium-sized dogs can travel comfortably in a larger crate or with a car harness. Ensure the crate is well-secured in the car to prevent it from shifting during the trip. Medium dogs can benefit from more frequent breaks to stretch and exercise.

Large Dogs: Large dogs require ample space and may need a spacious crate or a specialized car harness. Make sure the travel setup is sturdy and can accommodate your dog’s size and weight. Large dogs often need more water and frequent exercise breaks, so plan accordingly.

11. Emergency Preparedness

Emergency circumstances may arise despite taking all the precautions while you travelling with a dog. 

You must familiarize yourself with the locations of animal hospitals and veterinary clinics along your route and at your destination.  At the same time, you must also have a proper plan in place, which can make a significant difference in case of an emergency.

12. Traveling Internationally

Travelling with a dog in an international destination takes into account additional steps and considerations. 

Start by doing thorough research on the entry requirements for your destination nation. Some countries need a quarantine period, while others may ask for specific vaccinations or health certificates.

Get the travel documents required for travel, including an international health certificate from your veterinarian. 

This certification bears testimony of your dog’s health and vaccination status. 

Ensure an accredited veterinarian has signed the documents. Also, keep in mind that an appropriate government authority accredits the certificates.

Check the pet travel policies of international airlines and book your flight well in advance. 

Airlines may have specific requirements for international travel, like different variations of crate and other documentation as and when required. 

Get your dog used to the travel crate, especially if it will be in the cargo hold. This helps reduce stress during the journey.

Consider using a pet relocation company’s services. These companies specialize in handling the most complex logistics of international pet travel. 

At the same time, it ensures adequate compliance with all laws and requirements. It will ensure a smoother experience for both you and your dog.


Travelling with a dog offers a great experience and precious times that you cherish for a long. But at the same time, you need to take all the necessary steps and then prepare thoroughly. 

However, by adhering to these tips on safety and strategies for emergency preparedness, you can ensure joyous and peaceful travel with your dog. 

These trips are not only enjoyable but also safe and stress-free. You just have to keep in mind that careful planning and attentiveness to your dog’s needs safeguard a successful trip with your furry friend. 

With a little foresight and effort, you and your furry friend can create the most precious memories on the road.  So, we wish you happy and safe travelling!

Mony Shah

With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing her profound thoughts and opinions on travel, lifestyle, and beauty, among other genres.

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