If you tell me that you want to build a giant monolith on top of your dead body. I might call you crazy but the people who built the ‘largest pyramid in the world’ think it to be perfectly normal. So in celebration of normalcy, we will explore the megastructures of the day, pyramids. 

Top Largest Pyramids In The World:

Want to know which one is the largest pyramid in the world? Well, this is the right place to stumble upon. Without further ado, let us drop right in. 

Great Pyramid Of Cholula (1,8 million m³)

Great Pyramid Of Cholula

What might look like a church atop a hill is actually a whole pyramid. The Great Pyramid of Cholula is believed to be one of the largest pyramids ever built with intricate design, sources suggest that the total volume of the pyramid is estimated to be over 4.45 million m³. A huge number if you ask me. Initially, the pyramid was thought to be just the top part of the hill, but upon closer look, the researchers found two more levels that go down. Therefore it is one of the most complex pieces of architecture of the modern world. 

La Danta (0,9 million m³)

La Danta

El Mirador was believed to be one of the largest Mayan cities that flourished from around the 6th Century BC. The city is believed to have been flourishing around the 3rd Century BC and 1st Century AD. The ruins of the La Darta were discovered by adventurers back in 1926. But due to the remoteness of the location the discovery of the place was not hyped up as much as it should have. The ruins are located in the deep jungles of Guatemala. Even to this day, the location is deeply surrounded by lush green forest. It is in one of the most remote areas of the jungle and is believed to have an ancient temple where some questionable sources claim that human sacrifice took place.

Pyramid Of The Sun (1,2 million m³)

Pyramid Of The Sun

That is a mouthful. But the Pyramid of the Sun is one of the largest monuments in the Teotihuacán and the largest one in the Mesoamerican part of the world. However, the name is a translation of the Aztec word which indicates that Aztecs have visited the city of Teotihuacán. However, other than this, there is no proof that this happened. Nonetheless, the cultural significance of this pyramid is great among the locals.  The constriction of this pyramid took place in two different phases. After that, the pyramid resulted in a total dimension of 225 meters (733 feet) across and 75 meters (246 feet) high. A truly engineering marvel of the past.

Luxor Hotel (1,228 million m³)

Luxor Hotel

A weird entry, but just cause it’s shiny, does not mean it is not impressive. Vegas in the 90s was a groovy place. And in those groovy times, one guy decided to open a hotel that almost replicated a well-renowned pyramid, which will be named later in the list. The pyramid itself is not the most impressive aspect of this megastructure. Opened its door in the year 1993, this hotel was one of the best places to board in Vegas. It is estimated that the structure has around ‘2,526 guest rooms, a gigantic casino area, a showroom, restaurants, and entertainment venues on its 2nd floor”. The overall dimensions of this giant architectural marvel are around 183 meters at the base and a height of around 110 m at the height. Considerable smaller than its muse. 

Bent Pyramid (1,237 million m³)

Bent Pyramid

Sneferu’s second pyramid, the Bent Pyramid at Dashur is another architectural marvel of the old that has championed the harsh elements thrown at it. Apart from its magnanimous size which is 188 m at the base and 101.1 m in height, the design of the pyramid is notable. The pyramid rises at an angle of an unconventional 55-degree incline. But just when the pyramid reaches about halfway up the inclination changes to 43 degree angle inclination. The reason behind this weird design has baffled researchers for years. Still, nobody knows why, and the name just stuck. 

Red Pyramid (1,69 million m³)

Red Pyramid

Another pyramid built by Sneferu, This pyramid is believed to be the world’s first-ever successful attempt at constructing a true pyramid. This pyramid held the position of one of the biggest and largest pyramids up until the Luxor Hotel’s muse came into the scene. This pyramid is rarely visited. Therefore it is definitely an off-beat place that you can visit if you hate crowds and chaos. The overall dimensions of this pyramid stand at 104 meters high therefore it is quite a huge monolith that can be found in the deserts of Egypt.

Great Pyramid Of Giza (2.6 million m³) 

Finally, this is the largest ever pyramid created by any human being. This pyramid was an ancient Egyptian architecture that was created in the fourth dynasty approximately 2575–2465 BCE. The pyramid is located on the west bank of the Nile, northern Egypt. 

Great Pyramid Of Giza

The Great Pyramid is often lauded as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. When it comes to the overall construction of the pyramid, Herodotus believes that the Great Pyramid took around 200 years. Till now, not many people have been able to enter the amazing pyramid of Giza. However, using recent technologies, it was announced that a hidden corridor was discovered. But where does it lead to?

To know the answer to that, we might have to talk to Khufu. The man who ordered to building such a breathtaking marvel of human engineering. He has stood the test of time and has gone on to become the most iconic representative of Ancient Egyptian architecture.

End Note

With that, we have reached the very end of our list of some of the most iconic pyramids that riddle our planet. These are mesmerising architecture that is believed to hold significant importance in a cultural and historical sense. At the same time, there are amazing feats of human engineering that are still unparalleled. 


samik ghoshal

Samik has been a literature student all along and uses his fluidity to write about multi-niche topics. Aspiring to be a professional writer, he tries to analyze his topic from a critical standpoint but still adds a hint of personal perspective to the end product. Being a person having a general inclination toward global politics and documentary filmmaking, he also wishes to write and document more about numerous conflicts that are brewing in the different corners of the globe.

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