Mizpah Hotel is one of the most haunted places on this planet. But what made it so? What is the Curse of Tonopah, and who are the miners that seem to appear all across the town? To find answers to all these questions, keep reading this article. 

History Of Mizpah

We need to first learn about the history of the Mizpah Hotel in order to understand the Mizpah Hotel and its bone-chilling hauntings in detail. The Mizpah Hotel is one of the most prominent hotels in America. It is a part of the prestigious group called the Historic Hotels of America. The hotel is so prominent that this site is actually considered a heritage site. 

The Mizpah Hotel, along with the famous Belvada Building, were considered to be two of the tallest buildings in Nevada up until 1927. The hotel was primarily named after the famous Mizpah mine and was considered to be a social and cultural hub of Tonopah, Nevada. 

However, Mizpah Hotel did not start out as a hotel. In fact, the Mizpah Hotel was a very famous saloon in and around the year 1907. Later on, a group of famous Nevada financiers financed the hotel’s construction. These financiers include George Wingfield, Cal Brougher, George Nixon, and Bob Govan. Meanwhile, an architect named George Holesworth of Reno designed the hotel.

The Mizpah Hotel was primarily built as a pleasure paradise. Not many people know this, but the hotel served as a place where affluent men could bring their mistresses. Several records claimed that some very affluent people in Nevada used to visit this place frequently. During the great depression, this hotel also served as a flophouse. People used to stay as tenants in this hotel.

According to rumors, Wyatt Earp, a famous American lawman, was a frequent customer. Subsequently, a famous boxer named Jack Dempsey was alleged to have worked in the hotel as a bouncer. However, these reports have been refuted. 

The Hauntings Of Mizpah Hotel

According to a report shared by USA Today’s 10 Best Reader’s Choice Awards, the Hotel Mizpah is apparently the USA’s most haunted hotel, beating the likes of Lizzie Borden House or the Stanley Hotel. 

Locals believe that the hotel is absolutely infested with specters and shadowy figures. Apparently, the hotel is infested by the ghosts of seven individuals. While others claim that it is one spirit that is mistaken by many. Either way, the takeaway is that the Mizpah Hotel is one of the most haunted places in America. 

Locals claim that strange occurrences and apparitions are nothing new. In fact, these shadowy figures showed up shortly after the construction was completed. A small diary entry of a foreman from late 1800 claimed that he had experienced strange sights and sounds across the construction grounds.  In fact, things became so prominent that workers blatantly refused to work after dark. 

It is believed that the hotel is constructed on intersecting ley lines, and this is what makes the hotel so prone to paranormal activities. But most of the hauntings that go on in this hotel are actually benevolent in nature. This means the spirits do not interfere in the workings of the living. 

The Ghosts 

A ghostly apparition named Rose is seen roaming the grounds quite often. The story goes that Rose was a high-class lady of the night or prostitute. She used to stay on the very top floor of Mizpah. One day she was mysteriously found dead in her room with strangling marks on her neck. Locals claim that she was murdered by a disgruntled regular who fell in love with her and wanted her to stop the line of work. 

Apart from Rose, the corridors of the hotel are also haunted by a pair of children and some nameless soldiers. Regulars claim that they have heard child-like giggles reverberating throughout the hotel. Subsequently, people claimed that they noticed their things being moved from one end of the room to the other. Meanwhile, every day at 5:00 AM, guests reported they heard the sounds of heavy footsteps descending down the steps.

 Therefore, the hotel is full of paranormal activities that can send chills down your spine. But, I believe that these shadowy figures are not malevolent in nature. In fact, guests claim that none of their experiences felt hostile. Instead, they would use the words ‘mischievous’ and ‘elusive’.

Haunted Places Near Mizpah

Mizpah Hotel might be the hotspot for paranormal activities. However, it is not the only haunted place in the neighborhood. In fact, paranormal investigators claim that the town in itself has a supernatural aura. Some even say that there is a curse that plagues the town of Tonopah. 

The rumor started when a fire ravaged the town of Tonopah. Precisely speaking, on February 23rd, 1911,  a huge mine fire killed 17 miners and left countless others injured. Apparently, the fire started at around 5:50 AM. The fire continued raging throughout the day, and the town was engulfed in ash and smoke. 

The bodies of the miners were laid to rest in the town’s cemetery. Since that day, visitors complained that they would often smell burning flesh and timber. In fact, there is a motel that is located just beside the cemetery. This motel is known as the Clown Motel, and residents have often said that they heard heavy work boots in the corridors.

Another very prominent haunting in the town of Tonopah is the ghost of a lone miner miner. Apparently, this miner is seen all across the thrown. Some say that this is not a miner but a humanoid representation of the Tonopah curse. Therefore, if you see miners from the 1900s following you, walk faster. 

The End

There you have it, all the haunting and the histories surrounding the idyllic town of Tonopah and the infamous Mizpah Hotel. Even though the hauntings seem benevolent, but I will still suggest that you steer clear of these experiences as you do not know what they bring to the mix. 


samik ghoshal

Samik has been a literature student all along and uses his fluidity to write about multi-niche topics. Aspiring to be a professional writer, he tries to analyze his topic from a critical standpoint but still adds a hint of personal perspective to the end product. Being a person having a general inclination toward global politics and documentary filmmaking, he also wishes to write and document more about numerous conflicts that are brewing in the different corners of the globe.

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