Want a comprehensive list of some of the best must visits in Ravenna? Well, this is the perfect place for you to chance upon. As you know, we have discussed best places to stay, things to do, etc. Today, we will look at some of the best locations to visit in a day in and around Ravenna. 

Top Must Visits In Ravenna. 

Ravenna is a place that is like no other. This Italian coastal city is what traveler’s dreams are made of. Back in the day, this port town used to hold major political significance. It is believed that this port town once harbored the Roman Adriatic fleet. In fact, at one point in time, this port city was transformed to be the capital of the Western Roman Empire. As a result, Ravenna is a place that brought culture and art together beautifully. The mosaic artworks of this city are some of the most exquisite in the whole of Europe. Therefore, in celebration of this unique city of Ravenna, we will look at some of the must visits in Ravenna.

Neonian Baptistery

Neonian Baptistery

It is an amazing place to begin your day in Ravenna, both geographically as well as historically. The Neonian Baptistery of the early fifth century is something to marvel at. The brick-made baptistery from the ancient Roman era will make you realize the power and magnificence of ancient Christian architecture in the world. This octagonal building is popularly seen as one of the oldest buildings in Ravenna. The whole building is lined with intricate mosaics. The mosaics primarily depict Christian imagery. But the most prominent imagery that the mosaics represent is the image of Jesus Christ getting baptized. 

San Vitale

San Vitale

As soon as you lay your eyes on the structure of San Vitale, you will think that it is a waste of time. The architecture might look absolutely drab and lifeless from the outside. But it is definitely one of the best pieces of Christian architecture that you can find. As soon as you enter the church of San Vitale, you will notice that the architecture is one of the best examples of 6th-century Christian Byzantine art. Even though Mosiac was the primary choice of the architect, if you look closely, you will be able to notice a few baroque pieces as well. 

Sant’Apollinare Nuovo

Sant’Apollinare Nuovo

Just a brisk walk across town, the Sant’Apollinare Nuovo will not only give you some time to collect your thoughts but will also enable you to experience and get transported to the sixth century. This architecture is the best representation of the early human beings recording history through art and architecture. One of the walls of this basilica shows pictures of ships in the nearby ports of Classis and Ravenna. This was definitely a common sight for the locals, which is why the artist decided to put it into his work. Before leaving this place, we suggest that you step into the cloister to experience the world of these artists and how they managed to make art with whatever means they were provided. The cloister will house specimens of the tools and the color gradations that these artists worked with.

Bascilica Di San Francesco

Bascilica di San Francesco

If you decide to walk from Neonian Baptistery to Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, you will come across the Basilica di San Francesco halfway through. You do not need to strain your eyes hard, the basilica has one of the most recognizable 10th-century Romanesque towers of Europe that makes this architecture stand apart from most others in Ravenna. If you like to poke your noses around spooky no-go zones, then this is the perfect place for you to visit. And the best part about this architecture is that it houses the famous tomb of Dante. Dante was a famous Italian poet who provided the world with one of the most sophisticated representations of hell. 

Arian Bapistery.

Arian Bapistery

The small octagonal brick baptistery might seem uninteresting and drab. But it holds an amazing historical significance that cannot be discredited. This Octagonal brick baptistery is believed to have been built by Theodoric. Later on, this structure was used as an oratory dedicated to the Virgin Mary which is the local Cosmedin population used to call Santa Maria. One interesting fact that one needs to note is that this baptistry is believed to have sunk into the ground over the years. Other than that, the mosaics of the Bapistry has been restored repeatedly over the year. Nonetheless, this is an amazing place to visit, and definitely one of the must visits in Ravenna. 

Museo Nazionale

Museo Nazionale

Located just beside San Vitale, this will serve as a perfect interlude between gazing at historical architecture and mosaics. The monastery is housed just above the former Benedictine monastery of the older days. The monastery houses some of the best collections of carved ivories, textiles from the Coptic and Renaissance periods, ancient weapons, etc. Several treasures of this museum are related to other UNESCO-recognised sites that we have discussed. Hence it is like a hub of all things ancient and historical.

Domus Dei Tappeti Di Pietra

Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra

After a whole day of looking up at the mosaics, I think it is time that you give your neck some rest. The Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra has some of the best-looking mosaic tile flooring in all of Ravenna. The Domus is believed to be as old as the fifth or sixth century. Unlike mosaic patterns of the Byzantine Empire, these mosaics mostly represent geometric patterns. The discovery of the mesmerizing mosaic flooring was actually an accident. A team that was excavating for a parking lot. Suddenly the team came across something that looked different, and voila! They came across this ancient piece of architecture.  

End Note

In conclusion, these were some of the most prominent and important must visits in Ravenna. It is a quaint city located just beside the sea where history and culture come together to create beautiful pieces of artwork and locations to get lost.


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samik ghoshal

Samik has been a literature student all along and uses his fluidity to write about multi-niche topics. Aspiring to be a professional writer, he tries to analyze his topic from a critical standpoint but still adds a hint of personal perspective to the end product. Being a person having a general inclination toward global politics and documentary filmmaking, he also wishes to write and document more about numerous conflicts that are brewing in the different corners of the globe.

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