Well, it must have been your plan to visit Scandinavia for a long time. But have a confusion between Norway vs Sweden? Don’t worry, we are here to help you make a sound decision and will go through the differences these two places hold.

Here, in this article, we will travel through the different parts of Norway and Sweden, and depending upon your preference and what you want to experience, you will decide which is the destination for you. Not every traveler prefers the same thing. So go through the article and decide what you want to witness, and depending on that, choose your next destination.

After everything, tally your points and see which side is heavy. Decide where you want to go, Norway or Sweden. Or are you choosing both places?

Norway vs Sweden: Comparing Your Travels

Let’s start comparing Norway Vs Sweden. In this article, we are going to pass through various styles and preferences of travel and styles and then determine which is the best fit for you. 

Love European Architecture?

If you are looking for picturesque landscapes, then neither Norway nor Sweden is your destination. Then you have to consider traveling to Siena, Amsterdam, or Bruges instead.

But saying that there is no classic European architecture here would be wrong. The capital of Sweden, that is Stolkholm, features European architecture. This is a beautiful place that is going to fulfill our demands of walking through the picturesque streets.

There are other cities in Sweden, like Malmo and Gothenburg. But not all of it is as beautiful as Denmark and Copenhagen. But they have a few colorful buildings and streets. There are some other cities in Sweden like Uppsala and Lulea, which again have some nice streets, but those will not blow your mind away.

The Norwegian cities are a lot more modern across the border. They are filled with buildings that have cantilevered roofs and curved glass facades. Oslo has got that old European charm, but the last century’s buildings dominate it mostly.

The best place to enjoy some classic Norwegian architecture is Bergen. It is by the coast and is surrounded by amazing fjords. It is a lot prettier than Norway if we compare. Apart from that, Norwegian villages are beautiful and have historic cabins, but they are a lot different than those Instagrammable cityscapes.

Verdict: Sweden 

Love To Be On Nature’s Lap?

Exploring nature and getting outside is something people enjoy doing throughout the world. Nothing is better than going on a morning hike to the mountaintop and overlooking the distant ranges and some stunning lakes.

When we are talking about nature, Norway really has its way from the other parts of northern Europe. The mountain range surrounds the entire coast, starting from Stavanger to the Arctic wonderland. The entire country is beautiful, and there is nothing here that you will not like.

If you want to get in touch with Norway’s nature, you have to get out of the city for the time being. Norway is a hiker’s paradise, starting from the Trolltunga Hike to the Mannen hike, this country will mesmerize you with every step you take forward.

However, when compared to Norway, Sweden has some places that are nice, but it is mostly flat. The mountains in Sweden are just in the Arctic, near Abisko. If you want to take a trip and visit the natural landscapes and some outdoor recreation opportunities, then Sweden is not the perfect location for it.

Verdict: Norway

Going There For The Northern Lights?

Both Norway and Sweden are amazing locations for getting a glimpse of the magical northern lights. Both places have vast Arctic regions, which are often in the aurora oval, meaning the area where the geomagnetic activities happen, allowing the aurora borealis to appear.

When comparing which country offers a better sighting of the northern lights, you have to consider the weather as well. You get to see the northern lights only when the sky is clear. Arctic Scandinavia is mostly cloudy, so it is upto your luck.

The mountain coasts in Norway mostly have a cloudy sky than any of the islands in Sweden. So if you’re comparing these two places for northern lights, Sweden offers a better Arctic landscape with a clear sky.

Verdict: Sweden

Concerned About The Budget?

Money could not be an important factor for you, but for most people, it is an important factor for vacation planning. But, unfortunately, if you have planned a trip to Scandinavia, you have planned a very expensive place to visit.

Norway is known to be one of the most expensive countries to live in. When compared, Sweden is 20-30% cheaper, but it is also an expensive country. Visiting one of these countries is not going to be terribly expensive if you come from some other expensive place like Canada, the US, or Australia. 

Restaurants and hotels in Sweden are a lot similar to Norway and a bit cheaper as well, when compared. Things like beer in pubs, groceries, and petrol are cheaper in Sweden. However, the cost margin is not much compared to Norway.

Verdict: Sweden

Interested In Their Cuisine?

Even though Sweden and Norway are neighboring countries, there are a lot of differences in their food. Sweden offers a lot more cuisine than Norway. Sweden is popular for their meatballs, and their creamy pasta. And they have various culinary creations. They even have a reindeer steak in the northern part of the country.

But on the other side, food in Norway is completely seafood and fish based. This is because of Norway’s coastline. There are a lot of traditional fishing villages in Norway. And they prepare scrumptious fish as well.

Verdict: Sweden

Well, to conclude, Norway is a better choice if you are looking for some epic landscapes as well as outdoor activities. But if you have plans to mix city life with outdoor adventures, Sweden is the correct choice for you. 


Subhasree Nag

Subhasree is a content writer who is passionate about traveling, writing, and reading books. In her leisure time, she is seen listening to music and watching web series. Writing along with music and dance are ways in which she expresses herself.

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