When you travel to a destination, it becomes crucial to determine the ideal time to visit. If you’re planning a trip to Spain for your upcoming vacation, it’s essential to know the most suitable season. While summer is the recommended time to explore Spain, you can opt for winter to avoid overcrowding. During the summer, hotels become fully occupied, and securing flight tickets can be challenging due to the peak season. However, once the hustle and bustle subsides, Spain in December offers a raw and enchanting experience as Spain adorns itself with Christmas decorations.

Is December A Good Time To Go To Spain?

You’ll experience chilly weather throughout Spain in December. The Mediterranean coastal region offers a bit of warmth and comfort compared to other regions. If you’re seeking the cool breeze and shivering cold, consider visiting the capital city, Madrid, where the temperature hovers around 10 degrees Celsius. San Sebastian has slightly higher temperatures, around 12 degrees Celsius. Barcelona also offers a slightly warmer climate, with temperatures reaching around 15 degrees Celsius. Andalusia provides a warmer December for you to enjoy.

Is It Worth Going To Spain At Christmas?

You may be aware that Spain is known for its late mealtimes and vibrant nightlife. But did you know that this cultural trait extends beyond just food and entertainment? Unlike other European countries that adopt reduced “winter hours”, Madrid warmly welcomes visitors by keeping its museums open until late hours.

If you’re someone who thrives in sunlight, Spain is a far better option than countries further up north. On the shortest day of the year, London only sees under 8 hours of daylight, while Seville enjoys 9.5 hours of precious sunlight. Let’s not even discuss the more than 6 hours of daylight in Oslo. This significant difference in daylight can greatly impact mood and the ability to explore for many individuals.

Travel Tips For Christmas Spain Trip

#1 Reserve A Room In Advance

Let’s start with the most obvious tip: before you leave, make sure you know where you’ll be staying during your trip in Madrid. If your itinerary is lengthy, it’s practically crazy to have everything booked in advance because decisions are made on the go. However, if your trip is more straightforward with fewer stops, it’s not a bad idea to decide on your accommodation ahead of time.

Whether you choose an Airbnb, a hostel, or a hotel room, ensure you have a place to sleep. Even if you don’t give Cats Hostels a try (we say this with a heavy heart), our main goal is for you to travel without worries. To achieve that, it’s best to book well in advance. It’s no secret that in a bustling city like Madrid, the best places are the first to be fully booked. Imagine the wave of disappointment when you arrive and the receptionist tells you there are no available beds.

#2 Learn To Change Your Virtual Location

You need to learn this in order to freely unblock streaming platforms, and sites and safely open your applications. If you change location via VPN, you reduce the risk that your bank will block your account due to suspicious authorization attempts from abroad. You should also switch VPN locations  to unblock shows and TV series that are available to you at home. Otherwise, you will be able to access the library of Spain, not your home region. VeePN easily unblocks any services with regional restrictions and offers a free trial version.

#3 Consider The Schedule In Spain

During lunchtime in Spain, many stores in smaller towns take long breaks, with several hours of closure between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. It is advisable not to run errands during this period. Although big stores and supermarkets in major cities still remain open around noon, there is no guarantee that your desired store will be accessible. Additionally, some shops in larger cities such as Barcelona and Madrid tend to open late and operate until 10 p.m.

#4 Beware Of Intruders

Some cities in Spain, especially larger ones like Barcelona and Madrid, have a notorious reputation for pickpockets. These thieves mainly target travelers in the metro and popular tourist spots. You must remain vigilant and keep a close watch on your belongings when visiting these areas. Additionally, taking preventive measures, such as using an anti-theft travel backpack to safeguard your belongings and keeping your wallet with a zipper close to your body, can help protect your valuables.

Attackers are not only found in the physical world; there are even more of them in the digital space. To make your trip to Spain in January comfortable and safe, you should install a VPN. VeePN does a good job of protecting against hackers. You should think about whether VeePN is safe and, if so, how safe. The first argument is that VeePN has undergone an independent security audit. Second, it has all the protection technologies: kill switch, modern communication protocols, double VPN, etc. Another fact is the no-log policy. This is enough to conclude that VeePN can protect your journey from hackers and cyber threats.

#5 Try To Live Like A Spaniard!

When you’re in Madrid, it’s important to familiarize yourself with and embrace the local customs. Greet people with two kisses, use the metro for traveling, and enjoy a midday vermouth with a tapa. Don’t miss the chance to explore El Rastro, Plaza Mayor, or El Retiro Park on a Sunday walk tour.

One of the customs you should quickly adopt is ‘terraced’ – the art of enjoying beers on a terrace. And of course, don’t forget to try the famous churros with chocolate. Another unique aspect of Madrid is the siesta, a completely normal practice here. It’s also worth noting that the nightlife in Madrid tends to last longer than in other parts of Europe!


Spain during the Holidays reveals itself in a completely different light. December and January will feel very different here compared to the holiday season. Even if you have never been to Spain before, you should visit it for the Holidays, but even more experienced travelers will find entertainment for themselves.

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Mony Shah

With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing her profound thoughts and opinions on travel, lifestyle, and beauty, among other genres.

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