When a long weekend or vacation is approaching, usually the first thought that comes to mind is a trip. As a destination, we choose countries located by the sea. Sometimes we prefer to visit large cities such as Paris, Barcelona or Berlin. However, there are less crowded places in Europe that are equally beautiful and have their own unique atmosphere.

Poland is one of the most underrated countries when it comes to the whole culture. Magnificent medieval castles, historic streets, and a wealth of art continually delight every tourist. Also noteworthy are museums and iconic monuments. Cracow in particular is worth a visit – it is in its vicinity where most of the Polish monuments inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage List are located.

Essential Travel Tips

Essential Travel Tips

Poland is a relatively inexpensive destination. Renting a hotel room is much cheaper than in Western European countries. The difference can also be seen in food prices. This is an aspect that often comes as a pleasant surprise to tourists. Of course, the Polish currency is the zloty and not the euro as many people think.

Depending on the season, it’s a good idea to adjust your clothing appropriately for the weather conditions. In late autumn and winter, don’t forget thick jackets and winter boots. Summer, on the other hand, is usually quite warm, with temperatures sometimes reaching as high as 30 degrees.

A huge advantage for foreigners is also the fact that most Poles speak excellent English. You can easily get along on the street with passersby, ask for directions, and order food in a restaurant. Local people are known for their friendliness toward tourists.

Their hospitality manifests itself at every turn. You will certainly feel at home here. It will be a great idea to learn a few basic words in their language; such as Good Morning or Thank You. You can be sure that this will be met with great enthusiasm.

It is also worth knowing that public transportation in Krakow is well-developed. You can get everywhere by tram or bus.

Unique Places In Krakow That Will Stay With You Forever

Poland is a country of many faces. You will find quiet places to commune with nature, architectural wonders, and touching memorials.

Unique Places In Krakow

Here is a list of attractions in Krakow that you simply have to see on a trip to Poland!

1. Wieliczka Salt mine

The Wieliczka salt mine was established as early as the 13th century. It was then that workers digging one of the wells came across the first lumps of rock salt. The discovery forever changed the lives of people in the area and quickly became one of the main sources of income for the entire country.

The mine is definitely one of the most magical places in Poland. While there, we feel like we are in a fantastic novel or movie. The atmospheric tour starts right from the start when you descend the wooden stairs and gradually enter the darkness.

The guides who accompany us further fuel the atmosphere and share with us legends and stories from the mine. This is one of the tourists’ favorite parts of the tour. We should mention the beautiful interior, the salt chandeliers, and, above all, the chamber of St. Kinga.

The tour lasts several hours and has health benefits in addition to the obvious entertainment value. The microclimate there has a wonderful effect on human organisms. The salty air is devoid of pollution. Therefore, it is worth breathing deeply. The place also serves allergy sufferers and people with respiratory ailments. Increased pressure underground, in turn, leads to better oxygen supply to tissues.

The salt mine in Wieliczka turns out to be a great form of entertainment for the whole family. People of all ages will feel great here. Many activities have been provided for children, including competitions and breaks for fun.

2. Kazimierz – historic Jewish quarter

This is definitely one of the most unique attractions in Krakow. Kazimierz has always been associated with people of Jewish origin. It was here that they had their own community, schools, and, above all, a synagogue. The district was the cradle of their social and cultural life.

Tourists are attracted here primarily by the great food, a multitude of colors, and the charm of narrow streets. Cozy cafes, antique shops, galleries… Whoever comes here once, always comes back. This place is very popular especially in the summer when it shines brightest with restaurant lights.

Tourists are constantly delighted with picturesque tenement houses, most of which are decorated with ivy or massive flower pots. It is worth mentioning that Kazimierz is large enough to find slightly more intimate places, quiet and relaxing.

3. Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

This is quite an unobvious point on the list, but extremely important. Auschwitz should be seen by everyone at least once in their lives. This place is a serious history lesson for every visitor. It is there that we feel the chills of anxiety and realize the tragedy of the Second World War.

Visiting the camp lasts several hours and is divided into two parts. Tourists not only pass through the famous camp gate, to the courtyard or roll call square, but also enter some barracks. Some of the most moving exhibitions are those showing photos of prisoners, their haircuts, and personal belongings. There is also documentation of the cruel medical experiments conducted on prisoners.

A trip of this kind turns out to be an extremely moving experience that stays with us for a long time.

Organize Your Trip Now!

Poland turns out to be an ideal destination that combines both entertainment and historical aspects. Attractions in Krakow and its surroundings attract tourists like a magnet!

When deciding on a trip, carefully plan the access to places that are located outside the city. Krakowdirect turns out to be the most popular and relatively inexpensive form of transport. Be sure to check it when organizing a salt mine tour or an Auschwitz tour from Krakow.

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Arnab Day is a passionate blogger who loves to write on different niches like technologies, dating, finance, fashion, travel, and much more.

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