Want to know what should you avoid in Ravenna? Well, this article is the right one for you. We have analysed the overall safety concerns of Ravenna and how it can pose a threat to solo travellers or anybody in general. Let us dive right in.

Ravenna: An Overview Of Safety  

Ravenna is widely considered to be one of the safest cities in Europe according to several security journals meant for tourists. Unlike some of the no-go zones we have explored in one of our previous articles, this bite-sized Neverland has relatively low crime rates. However, low crime rates do not mean no crimes at all. If you are a solo traveller, you still need to be a tad bit careful.

Ravenna_ An Overview Of Safety

While walking in the city at night, you generally will not run into trouble. Firstly, the city is small and walkable. Secondly, the city of Ravenna is primarily a residential haven. Therefore, crimes at night are low. Still, there are dead zones where the area is deserted or it is poorly lit. Just to be on the safer side of things.

Cases of Eeve teasings or street harassment are pretty low in number. Still, you can encounter a drunk Italian man ranting about the old days. We will suggest that you steer clear of such individuals. When it comes to petty crimes and scams, Ravenna is just like any other city in Europe. Even though the numbers are low, you can still become a victim of such petty crimes. Hence, this ‘What should you avoid in Ravenna’ article will help you get prepared for everything Ravenna might throw at you along with all the attractive activities.

Ravenna is fairly low on crimes of any serious nature. You do not have to worry about something serious while travelling across the city of Ravenna to visit those amazing mosaic marvels. But that does not mean that every Italian you meet in Ravenna is a friend like Mario. Here are a few scams that you need to look out for while travelling the beautiful city of Ravenna.

Picture Scam  

Picture Scam

Picture scams are probably one of the smoothest scams we will cover in our ‘What Should You Avoid In Ravenna’ article. While walking down the beautiful paths of Ravenna, you can come across a local asking for a photograph. You should avoid this individual at all costs. The scam goes like this, you are asked to take a picture. You oblige and take a picture. While returning the camera, the individual will purposefully drop the camera and will blame you for it. The individual will harass you for compensation. The worst part about this scam is that the scammers come in groups. It will either be a group of three friends or a couple.

Taxi Overcharging  

What should you avoid in Ravenna in Ravenna Taxi Overcharging

One of the oldest scams in the whole wide world. Does not matter if you are in Spain, Italy, England or Russia, this scam is one of the most widespread scams out there. Ravenna is a small city, so getting an Uber can be a hassle. In such cases, taxis are the better alternative. However, some taxi drivers can be extra friendly and will take your destination in a roundabout way, while ‘showing’ you some not-so-relevant sights. Once the trip is over, the taxi driver will charge you three times the fare. When you ask him about such an exorbitant amount, his answer would be that he showed you the sights. So, whenever you get into a taxi, ask the driver to switch on the meter. Subsequently, use Google Maps to plot your course.

The Creepy ATM Helper  

The Creepy ATM helper

Another case of weirdly friendly guys. But unlike the previous lot, these friendly scammers flock near ATMs. Every bank in Italy will charge a fee for processing any kind of payment, deposit or withdrawal. This fee is mandatory, and you cannot avoid it. However, you will find guys who will offer to help you avoid that charge. Do not let the greedy man inside you win, just say no and walk away. The primary aim of the scammer is to scan the card with a card skimmer. As soon as you enter your PIN code, the scammer will have access to your cards and will be able to withdraw whatever funds you might have.

The Bar ‘Friends’  

The Bar ‘Friends’

Trust me when I say this, avoid those overly friendly guys and girls on your trips. If hooking up is the name of your game then this scam might be for you. Several tourists have come up with stories of how they were fleeced off by ‘friendly’ people in the bars of Ravenna. The story usually goes like this. You meet a charming individual. The latter offers to buy you a drink and later on a dance. Things get hot and heavy, so you guys decide to hit a more intimate bar with a quieter ambience. This individual will now suggest that you get shots. And after a few glasses down you get the bill. And in the bill, you get an exorbitant amount. As soon as you turn to the other person to split the bill two ways, the individual just poofs away and you are left to pay the bill. If you do not pay up right away, the bar will detain you and will not allow you to leave. So, if you do plan on going with the flow, suggest the bar and stick to your suggestion. Pick the in-house bar of your hotel, so that you feel safer. Secondly, ask the price before ordering.

Final Thoughts  

So those are some of the things what should you avoid in Ravenna. Even though the city is relatively safe and sound in most parts, things can escalate if left unchecked. So, take our word for it and consider keeping a lookout before mingling with people or going on nightly walks.


samik ghoshal

Samik has been a literature student all along and uses his fluidity to write about multi-niche topics. Aspiring to be a professional writer, he tries to analyze his topic from a critical standpoint but still adds a hint of personal perspective to the end product. Being a person having a general inclination toward global politics and documentary filmmaking, he also wishes to write and document more about numerous conflicts that are brewing in the different corners of the globe.

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